We’ve been holding off on posting (and promoting) the shop because the sign people have really let us down! And how can you possibly claim to be properly OPEN when you have no sign with your shop name on it?
But we’ve had a rethink, and you know what, we’ve ditched the sign people, and instructed another company to make us a sign. In the process, we decided that we love our little shop as it stands, and we want to share it with you NOW, even if it is still a work in progress!
So here it is!

We are open. We have had lovely customers, and they have purchased things. Not bad for the fact that we haven’t advertised or promoted ourselves yet.
A month ago we had no stock on our shelves whatsoever….but now we have THIS:

and a little bit of this,

plus a whole lot more!!
We are constantly adding new lines and discovering gorgeous new items that we know you will LOVE, so keep popping in and we are sure you will be delighted with the treasures you’ll find each time!
So this is our little shop and we are immensely proud of it!!
Thanks to everyone who helped us pull this together. You know who you are and we really appreciate it!